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Leadworthy Showcase

Leadworthy Showcase

This school year the Lone Oak Middle School students had the opportunity to pilot a program combining two curriculums to enhance learning and leadership skills. The 8th grade students all participated in an 8th grade Leadership course where Uncharted Learning’s mxINC and Capturing Kids Hearts Leadworthy course combined learning into a single student experience. Lone Oak Middle School students were the only school in the nation to have this program and experience the success of teamwork and leadership. 

Uncharted Learning mxINC is an entrepreneurship program where students “build skills, identify passions and career interest”. Students experience the lean business model while bringing their own business ideas to life. Capturing Kids Hearts Leadworthy course is grounded in “developing the next generation of leaders”. This course is the foundation of leadership skills needed to enhance the mxINC learning experience for students by teaching social skills, team work, public speaking, and financial literacy. Together these two programs provide a unique year of learning for students by blending their individual curriculums and providing our students a chance to learn leadership skills and then apply them to applicable learning experiences.  

This last week, our students were able to showcase their leadership skills and their full year of learning through a marketplace experience. Students' businesses and learning came to life in a day of selling their products and services to their peers, the community, and our school board. Although many groups faced adversity through the year, each group spent an afternoon shining bright by showcasing their products and services with smiles and conversations. We are proud of our students and all their hard work this year. To learn more about each program you can visit mxINCedu and Leadworthy