Archery Club
Archery Sponsor
Kathy Smith
Email: ksmith@loisd.net
Lone Oak Archery began in 2019. In the few years since its inception, our shooters have seen lots of improvement. Students in 7th-9th grades actively shoot in a class setting and have enjoyed Friday practices this year in preparation for tournaments.
Archery teaches teamwork, sportsmanship, focus, and self-discipline to our students. Our team relies on the generous donations from our sponsors. Your sponsorship supports our archers and helps to build character and responsibility. We use your sponsorship dollars to pay entry fees, buy team jerseys and to cover our expenses that we incur each year. Sponsorships are a one-time donation for the year. We have several different sponsorship levels available. If you are interested in supporting the archery program, complete a Sponsorship Form and return to Kathy Smith at the address provided. Sponsorships are welcomed year-round.
Yearly Tournament Schedule
- Kaufman Winter Invitational - early December
- State Qualifier Tournament at LOMS - late January (just LO archery teams)
- State Tournament - late March
"Thank you for your help with our growing program!" - Coach Smith
Band Directors
Band Director: Robert Cheek
Email: rcheek@loisd.net
Assistant Band Director: Marina Coronado
Email: mcoronado@loisd.net
LOMS Mighty Buffalo Band
The Lone Oak Mighty Buffalo Band is a 47 member band comprised of 8th-12th grade students that play instruments and perform in color guard. The talented group of performing art students competes in marching competitions, winter guard contests, concert/sight reading contest, as well as individual competitions throughout the year. Along with year round competitions, the band performs in concerts, community programs, pep-rallies, football games, and school wide events. Students involved in band are flexible, talented, hardworking, and contain great leadership qualities.
Beta Club
Jr. Beta Sponsor
Sponsor: Sherla Ashby
Email: sashby@loisd.net
Junior Beta Club
National Beta Club is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. And for more than 80 years, it has prepares today's students to be tomorrow's leaders. betaclub.org
The mission of National Beta Club is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students.
ACHIEVEMENT - Recognizing and honoring high academic achievement
CHARACTER - Preparing young people for life and empowering them to be successful
LEADERSHIP - Developing the leaders of tomorrow
SERVICE - Demonstrating our motto: Let us lead by serving others.
To Join Beta
The student must maintain an an average of 90% or higher in their four core classes.
All new members will pay a one-time fee of $32.00 for the National Beta Club registration fee.
Meetings are held every other week.
Community Service
Each member must participate in 20 hours of community service to attend the conventions and 25 hours to attend the reward parties.
In order to attend the State Convention, students must not be on academic probation and must have 20 hours of service completed. Thanks to the fundraisers that BETA club puts on each year, registration fees for conventions are typically paid for.
Beta Club participates in many community service events including but not limited to the following:
- Beta Bake Sale Auction
- Concession Stands for LOMS volleyball and basketball
- Visiting local animal shelters
LOMS Cheer Sponsor
LOMS Cheer Sponsor: Stacy Rogers
Email: srogers@loisd.net
LOMS Cheer Squad
Cheerleaders are student leaders who exemplify and promote school spirit, pride, and sportsmanship. Cheerleaders enhance a positive school climate by exhibiting leadership skills, such as respect for individual differences, building consensus, academic excellence, and modeling appropriate behaviors at all times, both in and away from school.
• To become mentally and physically fit and athletically skilled in the field of cheerleading.
• To demonstrate cheerleading etiquette for public appearances and private practices.
• To provide an atmosphere of support and cohesion essential for team building.
• To support and participate in academic, athletic, and community projects that help the campus and District achieve respective goals and objectives.
Junior FFA
FFA Sponsors
Wyatt Wharton
Email: wwharton@loisd.net
Payton Holland
Email: pholland@loisd.net
Future Farmers of America
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. FFA operated on local, state, and national levels. Student members belong to chapters organized at the local school level. Agriculture educators serve as chapter advisors. FFA Members (high school) must be currently enrolled in a Lone Oak ISD Agriculture Science Class.
Please note - Membership in the Lone Oak FFA Program is not mandatory for students in Agriculture Science classes, nor is raising a livestock project required for those who choose to join. However, all students enrolled in an Agricultural Science class are encouraged to join. Numerous studies have been conducted concerning the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance. Involvement in extracurricular activities is associated with an improved grade point average, higher educational aspirations, increased college attendance, and reduced absenteeism.
Junior FFA Membership Eligibility
Membership is open to Elementary and Middle School students in a Lone Oak ISD school. (Grades 3-8). Minimum age - 8 years old in the 3rd grade.)
Junior Member Activities
Junior members are eligible to exhibit livestock and Ag Mechanics projects. They are not eligible for FFA contests such as Career and Leadership Development Events, but are allowed to participate in all other local FFA activities. A Parent must be in attendance with them at all FFA events.
Junior members can exhibit all animal species - sheep, goats, swine, cattle, rabbits, and poultry.
Lone Oak FFA Chapter dues are $30.00 per year. Your FFA dues include a local state, and national membership to the National FFA Organization and a chapter t-shirt.
Lone Oak FFA Booster Club
The FFA Chapter is supported by the booster club which is made up of parents, family members, and other willing members of the community. The Lone Oak FFS Booster Club meets the first Wednesday of the month (October - May) at 6:30 PM in the ag. shop. We HIGHLY encourage all parents to participate in the booster club. The money raised goes directly to support the students of the organization.
One Act Play
One Act Play Sponsor
Lisa Martin
Email: lmartin@loisd.net
LOMS Theater will be performing an original play entitled The Devil in Them Pines, at our upcoming One Act Play contest. The play was written by Lone Oak’s Lisa Martin, and we are excited that the Texas University Interscholastic League approved the script for performance. We look forward to our contest date on December 12, 2023, at Chisum Performing Arts Center.
In 2022, the Middle School Theater troupe won a Third Place trophy, which is the first trophy earned by any Lone Oak Theater troupe in at least a decade. We invite Lone Oak families to support our theater students at OAP, which is like the “Super Bowl” of middle and high school theater!
Information about performance times will be forthcoming.
Robotics Sponsor
Jonathan Collier
Email: jcollier@loisd.net
In Robotics, students have the opportunity to become familiar with mechanical engineering, programming, sensors, and automation as one of their elective courses. Students hone critical thinking skills needed to succeed in both the 21st century's workforce and in everyday life. Beyond science and engineering principles, VEX Robotics solutions encourage creativity, teamwork, leadership, passion, and problem-solving among groups.
The robotics team competes in VEX IQ Texas Region 2 meets for a chance to compete at the state meet in the spring. VEX competitions foster these skills and capitalize on the motivational effects of competitions and robotics to help all students create an identity as a STEM learner. VEX competitions are also a great way to expose students to valuable soft skills like communication, collaboration and time-management in a fun and authentic way.
Student Council
Yearbook Sponsor
Kaylin Rainbolt
Email: krainbolt@loisd.net
The Oak yearbook staff is a student-led organization that offers students the opportunity to capture and preserve the school's history and memories. Staff members are responsible for photographing district-wide events, interviewing LOISD staff and students, writing exclusive stories, designing page layouts, preparing the yearbook for final submission, and building excitement across the district every step of the way.
Click here to schedule picture retakes, order yearbooks, and more